November 08, 2006

Just wondering

What if... for once we could go back in time and share that special moment once again!

What if... we could stop time just then and there without rushing for anything else, making sure that we will keep all possible details for ever and ever.

What if... I just keep it real and cut the crap?? Yes, that's a good question and the answer is yet to be discovered!

I'm just in my "pensativa" mood after a very very hectic time. Regardless of anyone's opinion I'm completely satisfied with the results given on my last asignement and all and all together things are pretty much under control.

Again in my secret hideout where life feels different and air smells like pod!... Having more fun than normal and that can never ever be a bad thing to report.

Closing doors, building bridges, learning how to talk a little bit more with the eyes and less with my big big mouth. Cruising along the channels, missing... and not missing, loving and hating, just a mess... so I'm still the same!

2 comment:

At November 08, 2006 11:34 AM, Blogger Yuri said...

one thing which you will probably love: the exeptionally warm weather here this autumn! I even placed 2 items on this issue on my blog....

hasta la pasta
lov' ya

At November 16, 2006 8:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asi hay esos lugares especiales que a uno le dejan un sabor... que no se todavia si es dulce o amargo.
O tal vez son aromas. O tal vez voces, ruidos, sensaciones indescriptibles como un canal maloliente, montado uno sobre un barcucho de madera viendo como unos tipos hicieron una ciudad de macrame hace 400 annos.


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